


二氧化钛(Titatium Dioxide,简称TiO2)晶体在中能重离子辐照时表面会出现肿胀效应,肿胀高度与入射离子的电子能损和辐照注量有关。辐照后的TiO2在一定条件下能够被氢氟酸溶液化学蚀刻,化学蚀刻的电子能损阈值为8.2 keV/nm,未辐照TiO2呈现几乎零蚀刻率。要达到饱和蚀刻深度,辐照离子的注量必须大于或等于1×1013ions/cm2。采用离子辐照的潜径迹理论分析研究了辐照损伤及对化学蚀刻的影响,快重离子辐照结合化学蚀刻是制备TiO2微结构的有效方法。

There appears volume swelling on the surface of the irradiated rutile TiO2 crystal and the volume swelling is affected by the ion fluence and the electronic stopping power.To induce adequate irradiation damage for the chemical etching,the irradiation parameters must fulfill some requirement.There is minimum electronic stopping power for the chemical etching of the irradiated region in TiO2 crystal,which is about 8.2 keV/nm.If the ion fluence is below 1×1013 ions/cm2,the saturated etching depth of the irradiated region in TiO2 crystal cannot be reached.The irradiation damage based on latent track formation frame and the theoretical linkage to the etching technique is investigated.It is hopeful to fabricate micro-and nano-scale structurce in rutile TiO2 crystal by using the ion irradiation and chemical etching technique.


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