


在膨胀石墨CuCl-NiCl-GICs合成和电性研究基础上,采用MODEL155振动磁强计测量了GICs在0~7.958×10A/m磁场强度下的磁化强度、磁化率.发现CuCl-NiCl引入石墨层间,形成GICs后磁性升高.与膨胀石墨相比,GICs的磁化率大约提高了2~3个数量级.GICs的磁性不但由石墨的抗磁性转变成为顺磁性,磁化曲线斜率由负变正,而且随着阶结构、 CuCl和 NiCl比例变化, GICs磁性发生变化.氯化镍含量在 50%以下,表现为强烈的顺磁性;50%时,磁化曲线出现最大值,表现为铁磁性.>50%,达到60%、80%时,铁磁性更明显.GICs阶数升高,铁磁性降低.

The magnetization intensity and magnetic susceptibility of CuCl2-NiCl2-EGICs, synthesized with expanded graphite were measured with MODEL-155 vibration magnetometer under
the magnetic field intensity (0~7.958×105A/m). The result showed that after CuCl2 and NiCl2 were intercalated into graphite layers, the magnetic properties of
GICs were increased. The magnetic susceptibility of GICs was as about 10-100 times as that of pristine expanded graphite. GICs were paramagnetic.
It was different from diamagnetic graphite. The slope of magnetization curve changed from negative number to positive. The magnetic property of
GICs can change with the stage structure and the molar ratio of CuCl2 and NiCl2.Below 50% volume of NiCl2, GICs had a strong paramagnetic
property; when it was 50%, GICs was ferromagnetic. When the ratio of NiCl2 was higher than 50% (60%、80% particularly), there was a maximum in their
magnetization curve. It indicates that GIC is ferromagnetic. The higher the stage of GICs, the lower its ferromagnetic property is.


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