



The ternary compound ferroelectric thin films, 6% Pb ( Mnl/3 , Nb2/3 ) O3-94 % Pb (Zr0.52, Ti0.48 ) 03, were deposited on the silicon substrates by the magnetron sputtering method, and the quench method was adopted for the post heat treatment for the perovskite phase. Besides, the non-doped PZT(52/48) thin films were also fab- ricated for comparisons with the same sputtering method. The X-ray diffraction was used to characterize the crystal structures of thin films, and the Sawyer Tower circuit was used to measure the ferroelectricity, and the laser vibration measurement system was used to measure the transverse piezoelectric coefficient of thin films. The results show that the PMnN-PZT thin films own perovskite structures, and the remnant polarization Pr = 23. 7μC/cm2 , the saturation polarization Ps=40μC/cm2 and the coercive electric field 2Ec=139kV/cm, and the transverse piezoelectric coefficient c31 = - 13. 2C/m2 , which identifies that the PMnN-PZT thin films own excellent ferroeleetricity and piezoelectricity.


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