在催化剂颗粒模型化的基础上,考察了费-托合成多重反应体系中球型催化剂的颗粒尺寸、 操作条件及反应物在催化剂颗粒内的扩散-反应行为等对反应性和选择性的影响. 基于工业 应用催化剂的考虑,从催化剂活性非均匀分布的角度,分析了蛋壳型催化剂应用于费-托合成 的合理性.
According to the pellet models constructed in the first part of this paper, the diffusion-reaction performance in a spherical catalyst pellet, and the effects of operation conditions and pellet size on reactivity and product selectivity we re systematically investigated. Being combined with the requirement of large pel lets in industrial fixed bed, the possibility and rationality of using eggshell -type catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are analyzed numerically with con sideration of non-uniform distribution of catalyst activity.
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