



A series of copolymers P(HEMA-NVP) composed of hydroxy ethyl methacrylate(HEMA)and N-vinyl pyrrolidone(NVP)are prepared by a solution copolymerization technique.The copolymer can absorb and capture amount of liquid electrolyte within its chain networks structure to form quasi-solid-state electrolyte.The influences of synthesis conditions for copolymers,such as the content of NVP,the amount of initiator AIBN,and the amount of crosslinking agent TEGDMA on the ionic conductivity of quasi-solid electrolyte are investigated.The highest conductivity of the copolymer gel is 6.15mS/cm at 25℃.Based on the copolymer gel electrolyte,a dye-sensitized solar cell is fabricated with short-circuit current of 14.83mA/cm~2,open circuit voltage of 615mV,fill factor of 0.5721 and an overall conversion efficiency of 5.22% under 100 mW/cm~2 irradiation(AM1.5).


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