


The new ternary compound Al14Nd5Si has been studied by means of the X-ray powder diffraction technique and the Rietveld method.The ternary compound Al14NdsSi has a hexagonal Ni3Sn-type structure with space group P63/mmc (No.194),the lattice parameters are a=0.64470 (2) nm and c = 0.45926 (1) nm.The Smith and Snyder figure of merit for the index,FN,is F30 = 97.8 (30).The X-ray diffraction data indicated that the crystal structure of the compound Al14Nd5Si has been successfully refined by the Rietveld method.The R-factors of Rietreid refinement are Rp = 0.088 and Rwp = 0.120,respectively.The thermal dependence of magnetization for the compound was measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer.The experimentally determined magnetic effective paramagnetic moment is μeff=3.60 μB per Nd atom.The paramagnetic Currie temperature θp = -33.7 K was also obtained from the Currie-Weiss law.


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