



The observed growth habit of TiO2, α-Al2O3 crystals observed under hydrothermal conditions were successfully explained by the coordination polyhedron rule concerning
growth habit. It is concluded that the habit of α-Al2O3 crystal is the hexagonal platy {0001}, and the relationship of growth rate of various faces is:
V{0001}<V{1123}<V{0112}<V{1120}<V{1010}; the growth habit of rutile (TiO2) crystal is elongated prismatic form, and the relationship
of growth rate of various faces is: V<110><V<100><V<101><V<001><V<111>; the growth habit of anatase (TiO2) crystal is
a tetrahedron, and the relationship of growth rate of various faces is: V<010>=V<001>>V<010>>V<111>. These results were compared with previous studies based on PBC theory.


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