


The objective of the present work is to investigate the effect of various sputtering parameters such as nitrogen flow rate, deposition time and sputtering pressure on structural, wettability and optical properties of titanium oxynitride films deposited on glass substrate by reactive magnetron sputtering. The X-ray diffraction graphs of titanium oxynitride films show evolution of various textures of TiOxNy and TiN phases with increasing nitrogen flow rate and deposition time, but an increase in sputtering pressure from 4.0 to 8.0 Pa results in decline of various textures observed for TiOxNy and TiN phases. The stress and strain calculated by sin2Ψmethod are compressive, which decrease with increasing nitrogen flow rate from 55 to 100 sccm (standard cubic centimeter per minute) and increase with increasing deposition time from 80 to 140 min due to atomic penning effect and increasing thickness of the deposited films. The titanium oxynitride films have contact angle values above 90 deg., indicating that films are hydrophobic. The maximum contact angle of 109.1 deg. is observed at deposition time of 140 min. This water repellent property can add value to potential protective, wear and corrosion resistant application of titanium oxynitride films. The band gap decreases from 1.98 to 1.83 eV as nitrogen flow rate is increased from 55 to 100 sccm; it decreases from 1.93 to 1.79 eV as deposition time is increased from 80 to 140 min as more nitrogen incorporation results in higher negative potential of valence band N2p orbital. But it increases from 2.26 to 2.34 eV for titanium oxynitride films as sputtering pressure increases from 4.0 to 8.0 Pa.


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