The temperature distribution under shear with a high strain rate and the cooling rate of the shear bands of Al, Cu and 0.06C steel have been calculated using a computer. The results show that the temperature of shear band increases with the increase of the average strain rate (_o). When _o is in the range 8×10~5 to 10~6 1/s, the structure of the adiabatic shear band in a 0.06C steel is martensite but it becomes metallic glass if _o=10~6 1/s. As to A1 and Cu, the structure of the adiabatic shear bands can also be of metallic glass if _o is greater than 1.8×10~6 and 5.5×10~7 1/s respectively. It explains that Cu tends most difficultly to form adiabatic shear band, while 0.06C steel most readily among the three metals.
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