The optimized scheduling about both all hot metal in AOD and molten steel in EAF stainless steel smel ting process was investigated. The results show that the deficiency of the longer tap to tap time of EAF in the flow with molten steel in EAF can be solved by introducing the flow with all hot metal in AOD. The stainless steel smelting hybrid flow combined all hot metal in AOD with molten steel in EAF was provided. The optimized sched uling aiming at the longest ladle track time between production processes minimizing was proposed. The longest ladle track time between production processes for a minimum of 60 min was calculated by using the genetic algo-rithm and less than the time of the production scheduling as the center of continuous casting. The conventional ladle track time was ensured and regulated with enough time. The Gantt chart of optimized scheduling about the hy- brid flow was proposed. The temperature schedule was given based on the temperature decrease empirical formula.
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