


The effects of Rare Earth Element Lan on the activities of cellulose, catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutasein in earthworm were carried out by natural soil test. The results indicated that Lan can significantly suppress the activity of cellulose. The responses of three enzymes in earthworm to Lan were different, Lan mostly affects catalase activity and inhibited catalase activity throughout the experiment. Peroxidase activity tend to "promote weakly and inhibited strongly" when short term of exposure to Lan, while "inhibited weakly and promote strongly" as a function of time. In comparison, Lan had little influence on the activity of superoxide dismutase. The variance analysis results showed that the concentration of Lan significantly affected the activities of cellulose and CAT but had no obvious influence on the activities of SOD and POD. The treatment time and the interactive effect between treatment concentrations and time had very significant effect on the activities of cellulose, SOD, CAT and POD.


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