通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和傅氏转换红外线光谱分析仪(FTIR)分析了硅橡胶伞套老化前后宏观表面结构变化和微观官能团变化,通过氙灯老化、湿热老化、电晕老化、户外自然老化和室内自然老化试验,研究互感器表面硅橡胶材料在不同因素影响下的理化、电气性能变化。结果表明:氙灯老化对硅橡胶硬度的影响最显著,硬度从37.0 HA增加到45.40 HA;湿热老化对硅橡胶镜像光泽度的影响最显著,镜像光泽度从75下降至40;自然户外老化对硅橡胶憎水性的影响最显著,静态接触角从115.4°下降至102.1°。通过测试老化硅橡胶的硬度、镜像光泽度、憎水性和表面电阻来评价各因素对硅橡胶伞套老化的影响大小,研究结果有助于对运行中的互感器老化程度进行监测。
The changes of macroscopic surface structure and microscopic functional groups of silicone rub-ber umbrella cover before and after aging were analyzed by SEM and FTIR, and the changes of physi-cal and chemical properties and electrical properties of the silicone rubber surface material of instrument transformer after artificial accelerated xenon lamp aging, hydrothermal aging, corona aging, outdoor natu-ral aging and indoor natural aging were studied. The results show that the xenon lamp aging has the most significant influence on the hardness of silicone rubber, and the hardness increases from 37.0 HA to 45.4 HA. Heat aging has the most significant influence on the glossiness of silicone rubber, and the gloss-iness decreases from 75 to 40. Outdoor natural aging has the most significant influence on the hydropho-bicity of silicone rubber, and the static contact angle decreases from 115.4° to 102.1°. The effects of vari-ous factors on the aging of silicone rubber umbrella cover are evaluated by testing the hardness, glossi-ness, hydrophobicity and surface resistivity, and the results are helpful to monitor the aging degree of in-strument transformer in operation.
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