


嘉兴市饮用水源为太湖流域来水,经石臼漾湿地系统净化后供居民使用.为了解水源及河网中抗生素分布特征,于2015年4月采集嘉兴市水源来水及城市河网表层水样,用固相萃取?高效液相串联质谱法分析了20种抗生素含量水平.结果表明,抗生素污染水平在330—660 ng·L-1,氟喹诺酮类抗生素为主要的抗生素污染物,浓度范围在160—400 ng·L-1之间.氟苯尼考是占比例最大的单体抗生素(24%—54%),浓度范围在121—259 ng·L-1.湿地系统可有效的去除磺胺嘧啶、磺胺甲唑、诺氟沙星、环丙沙星及恩诺沙星.

Water from Taihu Lake is purified by Shijiuyang water source ecological wetland and then severs as drinking water for Jiaxing residents. In order to study the distribution characteristics of antibiotics in source water and urban river, surface water sample were collected in Aprial 2015 and analyzed with solid phase extraction ultra?performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrum (UPLC?MSMS). The results displayed the total antibiotics contaminant level ranged from 330 to 660 ng·L-1.Fluoroquinolones(FQs) antibiotics (160—400 ng·L-1) were the dominant antibiotics. Florfenicol occupied the highest percentage ( 24%—54%) as a single compound with the concentration ranging from 121—259 ng·L-1. The wetland system could efficiently remove sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin.


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