


以我国渤海某石油开采平台为中心,设立了11个调查站位.对平台周边表、底层海水及表层沉积物中可表征污染来源的多环芳烃类化合物的分布特征和来源进行了解析.结果显示,随着与平台距离的增加,平台周边海域PAHs含量呈现先增加后降低的趋势.在表层、底层海水中低分子量的PAHs占绝对优势,表明水体中多环芳烃主要来源于石油输入.沉积物中PAHs分析显示严重的多环芳烃生态风险在平台周边表层沉积物中不存在,但8处采样点的芴( Flu) 超过效应区间低值( ERL) ,对海洋生物具有潜在的不利影响.因此需加强平台开采过程防漏措施,避免对海洋生态造成不可估量的危害.

In order to understand the effect caused by oil production on coastal environment around drilling platform, eleven sampling stations were set up around the center of a drilling platform in the Bohai Sea. The distribution characteristics of PAHs that could be used to characterize the pollution sources were analyzed in the sediments and surface and bottom seawater around the drilling platform. The results showed that the amount of PAHs concentration in the water first increase and then decrease with the distance from the drilling platform. Lower molecular weight PAHs dominanted in surface and bottom seawater, which suggested that oil pollution had a significant impact on the water environment. An analysis result of PAHs in the sediments shows that there is no evidence of ecological risk assessment in surface sediments around the drilling platform. Nevertheless, Fluorene( Flu) levels in eight sediments exceed interval Effects Range Low ( ERL ) , which has potential unfavorable influence on marine organisms. Therefore, the relevant solutions to the leakage during drilling shall be taken to avoid inestimable damage to the oceanic ecosystem.


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