


为了实现剩余污泥资源化,本实验采用了超声波破壁的预处理方式,构建了以剩余污泥破壁处理混合液为阳极液和以KMnO4溶液为阴极液的序批式双室微生物燃料电池( Microbial Fuel Cells,MFC).将MFC的输出功率密度和COD去除速率作为电池性能的考察指标,研究了超声预处理和投加污泥量对MFC性能的影响.结果表明,随着对投加污泥预处理比(超声预处理污泥量占投加污泥量的比例)和投加污泥浓度的上升, MFC的输出功率密度和 COD 去除速率也随之上升,在100%污泥预处理比下输出功率密度峰值为296 mW·m-2( Rext=1000Ω);平均COD去除速率为90 mg·L-1·d-1.在投加污泥浓度为8000 mg·L-1时,输出功率密度峰值为476 mW·m-2( Rext=1000Ω);平均COD去除速率为100 mg·L-1·d-1.由实验结果分析,采用超声波破壁预处理高浓度的剩余污泥作为燃料搭建MFC,可提高微生物燃料电池的产电性能和COD去除速率.

In order to achieve the utilization of excess sludge, a double?chamber microbial fuel cell ( MFC ) was built, which included the anode chamber filled with mixture of ultrasonic?pretreated excess sludge and the cathode chamber with KMnO4 . The effect of ultrasonic pretreatment and concentration of sludge on the MFC performance was investigated, using the output power density and the removal efficiency of COD as the performance indicators. The results showed that the output power density and removal COD increased with the pretreating ratio ( the ratio of sludge pretreated to the total sludge) and the sludge concentration. At 100% pretreatment ratio, the output power density peaked at 296 mW·m-2(Rext=1000 Ω), and the average removal COD reached 90 mg·L-1·d-1. With the sludge concentration of 8000 mg·L-1 , the output power density reached a peak of 476 mW·m-2(Rext=1000 Ω), and the average removal COD reached 100 mg·L-1·d-1. Our study shows that high concentration of excess sludge pretreated by ultrasonic could effectively improve the power performance and COD removal of the MFC.


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