



To study the influence of soil basic physical and chemical properties on the adsorption and leaching behavior of pesticides in soil, the adsorption and leaching of thiamethoxam onto three different soils including Sandy soil, Silt loam soil, Shajiang black soil, were conducted by oscillation equilibrium experiment, soil thin layer chromatography and column leaching. The results showed that the adsorption of thiamethoxam in the soils could be well fitted by the empirical Freundich isotherm. The adsorption constants ( Kd ) were 1. 25, 2. 95 and 5. 10 in Sandy soil, Silt loam soil, Shajiang black soil, respectively. Clay content was the dominant factor affecting the adsorption of terbufos in soils, and the soil organic matter content was the next factor. The leaching of thiamethoxam was in the order of Sandy soil>Silt loam soil>Shajiang black soil. Higher amount of oil suspended agent and water suspended agent leached out, followed by water dispersible granule, and the granulehad the lowest amount of leaching. These results demonstrated that thiamethoxam has potential risk of contaminating groundwater. Attention should be paid to its application, particularly in the soil of low clay content and organic matter content.


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