



Taking a typical odorous pollutant mercaptans as the object of study, we selected two groups of descriptors to set up two different quantitative structure activities by Minitab software in order to explore the relationship between olfactory threshold of mercaptans and their molecular structure. Model 1 showed that the olfactory threshold was mainly associated with the surrounding environment of sulfydryl. The more complex the environment is, the higher the olfactory threshold. Model 2 showed that olfactory threshold was mainly associated with the number of carbon atoms. The more the carbon atoms they have the the higher the olfactory threshold. We found that the models have good robustness after a series of tests. The calculated results were in accordance with the experimental results, indicating that the odor threshold of a mercaptan can be well predicated by its molecular structure. It can serve as a very good reference for future research on the environment impact brought about by mercaptans.


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