选择全国由南至北的4个大气背景站(广东南岭、湖北神农架、山西庞泉沟和吉林长白山),于2013年分4个季度同步采集环境空气颗粒物PM10和PM2.5样品,采用微波消解电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定滤膜样品中60余种元素.结果表明,4个背景点PM2.5日均质量浓度平均值为17μg·m-3,PM10为29μg·m-3,低于《环境空气质量标准》( GB 3095—2012)规定的一级浓度限值.第一季度的PM10和PM2.5最高,除长白山第三季度高于第四季度之外,其他3个点位均呈现第二季度>第四季度>第三季度的趋势.PM2.5和PM10二者呈线性正相关,4个季度的PM2.5/PM10比值均小于0.5,第二、第三季度较高,而第一、第四季度较低.PM10和PM2.5中元素随季节变化不大,PM2.5含量在同一水平上低于PM10.Na、Mg、Al、S、K、Ca、Fe、Zn质量浓度在0.1—10μg·m-3之间,P、Ti、Mn、Ni、Cu、Ba、Pb质量浓度在10—100 ng·m-3之间,Cd、Co、Ge、Ga、Zr、Sr、V等质量浓度在0.01—10 ng·m-3之间.K、Al、Ca含量大于10%,S、Mg、Na、Fe、Zn、Pb、Mn含量大于1%,Cu、P、Ba、Ti量介于0.5%—1%,其他痕量元素含量所占比例小于0.5%.
PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected from four national background locations ( Nanling, Shennongjia, Pangquangou and Changbaishan) during four seasons in 2013. More than 60 elements in PM10 and PM2.5 were analyzed by microwave?assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP?MS) . The results showed that the average daily mass concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 from four sites were 17 μg·m-3 and 29 μg·m-3 respectively, which are lower than the air quality standards in China ( GB 3095—2012 ) . The mass concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in seasonⅠwere higher than the other three. Except season Ⅲ>Ⅳ in Changbaishan, the mass concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were quarterⅡ>Ⅳ>Ⅲ in other three background locations. The correlation analysis by linear regressive equation showed there was positive correlation between PM2.5 and PM10 . The ratios of PM2.5/PM10 were lower than 0.5, of which seasonⅡandⅢwere higher than seasonⅠand Ⅳ. The element concentrations in PM2.5 were lower than those in PM10,both of which changed little during four seasons. The concentrations of Na, Mg, Al, S, K, Ca Fe and Zn were in the range of 0.1—10 μg·m-3; P, Ti, Mn, Ni, Cu, Ba and Pb 10—100 ng·m-3; Cd, Co, Ge, Ga, Zr, Sr and V 0.01—10 ng·m-3 . The contents of K, Al, Ca were more than 10%. The contents of S, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Pb and Mn were above 1%. The contents of Cu, P, Ba and Ti ranged in 0?5%—1%.The contents of other trace element were lower than 0.5%.
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