将钒钛铁精矿内配碳球团分别进行干燥、750℃和1 000℃焙烧,采用XRD、SEM/EDS、化学分析及强度测试方法,研究了球团在低温焙烧条件下的物相、微观形貌、成分及强度的变化.结果表明:钒钛铁精矿粉、煤粉、水和复合黏结剂按照质量比100∶9∶9∶1.0混合压球,干球团强度较湿球团强度有明显提高;750℃焙烧球团与干球的主要物相差别不大,但Fe3O4衍射蜂强度增加,矿粉颗粒空隙增大,球团强度急剧下降;1000℃焙烧球团主要物相为钛铁晶石(Fe2TiO4)和还原铁,球团收缩,强度增大.
Vanadium and titanium iron concentrate pellets conaining carbon after drying,750 ℃ and 1 000 ℃ roasting had been used to investigate phase,microstructure,composition and intensity change under low temperature calcination by means of XRD,SEM/EDS,chemical analysis and strength testing.The results show that the vanadium and titanium iron ore concentrate,pulverized coal,water,and composite binder mix in accordance with the mass ratio of 100 ∶ 9 ∶ 9 ∶ 1.0,the resulted dry pellets strength is significantly higher than wet pellets.While main phase of pellet roasted at 750 ℃ show no observed difference with that of dry pellet,but XRD result indicate increasing Fe3O4 peak intensity.The gap between the mineral powder particles increases and strength of pellets dramastically decreases.Roasting temperature of 1 000 ℃ generates main phase of pellet composing of Fe2TiO4 and reduced iron,and causes pellets shrinkage and thus strength increase.
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