



In order to obtain results of interaction of two-photon photorefractive sreening-photovoltaic bright spatial solitons, the interactions of two-photon screning-photovoltaic bright spatial soliton in biased two-photon photovoltaic phptorefractive crystals were numerically investigated. The result shows that two in-phase solitons attract each other and soliton fusions do occur at certain interaction length, which increases monotonously with the initial separation of the two interacting solitons. While in the case of out-of-phase,both the two-solitons repel each other with a force decreasing monotonously with the initial separation.When the relative phase between the solitons falls within the ranges of(0,π) and (π,2π), energy transfe accompanies the interactions. The in-phase interaction results in the separation of the two solitons beams from each other, accompanied by the energy coupling between the beams, which is different from the case without diffUSion field. And for the case of out-of-phase interaction, the two solitons are no longer separated simply, they are exclusive to each other but deflect simultaneously to the same side.


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