


本文利用非相对论量子电动力学理论,研究了高Q Kerr介质腔中,二能级原子与单模辐射场多光子相互作用过程中光场相位的演化规律,着重讨论了强场条件下,类Kerr介质与单模辐射场的耦合强度x、失谐量△和多光子跃迁数k对光场的相位概率分布、相位涨落及频率漂移的影响.

The properties of the phase evolution in the system of a single-mode field interacting with a two-level atom via multiphoton process in a high Q cavity filled with the Kerr-like medium are studied by means of the non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. The influences of coupling constant X, frequency detuning △ and transfering number k on the phase probability distribution, the phase diffusion and the frequency shift are emphatically discussed under the strong field condition.


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