


对类金刚石(以下简称DLC)薄膜受γ射线与N离子辐照的结果进行了比较. 通过Raman光谱分析得出:γ射线辐照造成薄膜中SP3C—H和SP2C—H键的减少及SP3C—C键的增加, 与此同时氢原子结合成氢分子,并从膜中释出,薄膜的类金刚石特征更加明显. 当辐照剂量达10×104 Gy时, SP3C—H键减少了约50%. N离子辐照使DLC薄膜中SP3C—C键、 SP2C—H键及SP3C—H键的含量均变少,并伴随着氢分子的释出,直接导致DLC薄膜的进一步石墨化,其对SP3C—H及SP2C—H键的破坏程度远大于γ射线. 两者在辐照机理上截然不同.

The results of the diamond-like carbon films(the following is called for short DLC film) irradiated by γ rays and N ion were reported. It showed that SP3C—H and SP2C—H bonds were decreased, and SP3C—C bonds were increased by γ ray irradiation, and induced hydrogen recombination with H2 molecules, and subsequently released from the surface of the films. When the γ ray irradiation dose reached 10×104 Gy, the numbers of SP3C—H bonds were decreased by about 50%. After irradiated by γ rays, the diamond-like character is more obvious in DLC films. SP3C—C, SP3C—H and SP2C—H bonds are decreased with increasing N ion irradiation doses in DLC films. The breakdown effect on SP2C—H and SP3C—H bonds by N ion irradiation are much greater than that of γ rays. When the DLC film is irradiated by N ions, it trends to graphitize obviously. There are many differences in mechanism between γ ray irradiation and N ion irradiation.


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