


利用可见光谱数字化分析系统将铝合金中Cu元素Cu 510.55 nm分析谱线组谱图转变为数字化的电子谱图,使用计算机自动分析代替人眼视觉判断,解决谱图的量化分析和记录难题.对3种不同Cu元素含量的铝合金标准样品进行数字化分析测定,探索选用Cu 510.55 nm谱线和Fe 510.75 nm谱线分别作为分析谱线和比较谱线进行定量测定的方法,数据显示分析谱线和比较谱线的强度比值与Cu元素含量呈正比关系.研究数字化系统指导视场定位和谱线辨别的途径,降低可见光谱分析的技术难度并提高快速分析的可靠性.结果表明,数字化技术保持快速分析特点的同时可以达到定量分析目的,有效解决铝合金中Cu元素的快速定量分析及材料牌号鉴别问题.

The application of visible spectrum of digital analysis system enables the digitalization of electronic spectrum of Al-based alloy of copper Cu 510.55 nm. And the replacing of the human visual judgement by computer aided analyses facilitates the spectrum quantification and solution to the problems associated with the recording. The digital analysis of the three standard samples of the Al-based alloy with different content of Cu, and the probe into the quantitative analysis that employs the spectrums of Cu 510.55 nm and Fe 510.75 nm as the analysis spectrum and comparison spectrum, indicate the positive relationship between the content of copper and the intensity ratio of the analysis and comparison of spectrum. The study of how to employ digital system to guide the visual location and the spectrum identification aids in reducing the technical difficulties and improving the reliability of the quick analysis. The results indicate that the digital technique can help achieve the quantitative analysis, while keeping the advantages of the quick analysis. Consequently, this provides an effective solution for rapid quantitative analysis and identification of trademark.


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