以9,10-二氢-9氧杂-10-膦杂菲-10-氧化物(DOPO)、甲醛和二乙醇胺为原料合成了新型反应型阻燃剂9,10-二氢-9-氧杂-10-[N,N-二(羟乙基)氨甲基]-10-膦杂菲-10-氧化物(DAM-DOPO),对其结构和在聚氨酯泡沫中的存在形式进行了表征,并对DAM-DOPO 进行热失重分析.将DAM-DOPO 与聚磷酸铵(APP)复配,制备了DAM-DOPO/APP阻燃聚氨酯泡沫塑料,并对其阻燃、力学性能及阻燃机理进行了研究.结果表明,合成的DAM-DOPO 具有比DOPO 较高的残炭率,最大热失重温度也向高温移动;DAM-DOPO 应用到聚氨酯泡沫中起到了气相和凝聚相阻燃;复配阻燃剂总质量分数一定时(20%),随着APP所占比例的增大,PUF生成平滑致密的炭层,氧指数逐渐升高,烟密度等级逐渐降低,当m(DAM-DOPO)∶m(APP)=1∶4时,PUF 的极限氧指数为24.0%,烟密度等级为34.98,水平燃烧距离Ld 为8 mm;冲击强度随着DAM-DOPO 添加比例的减小而降低,当m(DAM-DOPO)∶m(APP)=1∶4时,PUF的冲击强度为0.065 kJ/m2.
A novel reactive flame retardant,DAM-DOPO (9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-[N,N-bi (hydroxyethyl)ami-no methyl]-10-phosphonic hetero phenanthrene-10-oxide),was synthesized with DOPO (9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide),formaldehyde and diethanolamine.The structure of DAM-DOPO was char-acterized by FTIR and NMR.The flame retarded rigid polyurethane foam (RPUF)plastics were prepared by chemical modification of PU chains with DAM-DOPO and by blended modification with ammonium polyphos-phate (APP)simultaneously.The influences of different ratios of DAM-DOPO and APP on the flame retardan-cy and mechanical property of PUF were investigated by LOI,SDR,Ld and impact strength test.The synergis-tic reaction was appeared between DAM-DOPO and APP when the ratio of DAM-DOPO and APP was 1∶4 -LOI reached to 24.0%,SDR decreased to 34.98% and Ld was 8mm.DAM-DOPO had a higher carbon residue rate and the maximum weight loss happened at the higher temperature than DOPO.What’s more,DAM-DOPO promoted forming the smooth and loose fire phosphorus-containing char layer,which strengthen the inflatable and dense char layer from APP in the condense phase.Then the smoother and compacter char layer was ob-tained.In addition,the impact strength of flame-retardant RPUFs with DAM-DOPO/APP were studied.The results of impact strength suggest that with the decrease of the addition ratio of DAM-DOPO,its impact strength reduced to 0.065 kJ/m2 ,which can fill the demend for the application in reality.
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