


利用氨沉淀法制备Bi2 O3粉体,采用改进的 Hummers法制备GO,将Bi2 O3加入一定量的 GO 分散液中,采用紫外还原法制备 Bi2 O3/RGO 复合光催化剂,通过 XRD、SEM、EDS、BET 等技术手段对催化剂进行表征,并考察其在紫外光下催化还原CO2的性能.结果表明,GO 在紫外照射过程中被有效地还原为 RGO,与晶粒尺寸约为49 nm的单斜晶系Bi2 O3颗粒在紫外照射下共同搅拌,形成 Bi2 O3/RGO 复合物,其Bi2 O3的主要衍射峰发生轻微宽化,石墨烯碎片、絮状物质附着在Bi2 O3表面;随着GO含量的增加,Bi2 O3表面附着的石墨烯碎片、絮状物质增加,复合催化剂的比表面积增大;在紫外光照射下,Bi2 O3/RGO复合催化剂的光催化效果明显高于Bi2 O3, GO含量为2.0%(质量分数)的Bi2 O3/RGO复合催化剂,在光照时间为8 h时,生成CH4的产量为1.012μmol/g,比Bi2 O3提高了96.5%.

Ammonia precipitation and improved Hummer method were used to prepare Bi2 O3 and GO respective-ly.Bi2 O3 were dissolve into appropriate concentrated GO solution followed by preparation of Bi2 O3/RGO com-posite catalyst using UV reduction method.XRD,SEM,EDS and BET were employed to characterize the pho-tocatalysts.Meanwhile,the photocatalytic capacity was evaluated by performing photocatalytic reduction of CO2 under ultraviolet light.The results indicated that GO was efficiently reduced to RGO under UV radiation. Monoclinic Bi2 O3 with 49 nm grain size and GO solution were mixed under UV radiation to form Bi2 O3/RGO composite,which exhibited slightly broadening of main diffraction peaks compared to pure Bi2 O3 .With the in-creasing concentration of GO,the amount of the graphene fragments and flocculent material that attached to the surface of Bi2 O3 grows and the specific surface areas of the composite catalysts increase.Under UV irradiation, Bi2 O3/RGO composite catalysts have significantly stronger photocatalytic effect than Bi2 O3 .In the condition of 8 h-UV radiation,the composite catalyst with 2.0wt% GO produces 1.012μmol/g CH4 ,whose yield is 96.5%higher than pure Bi2 O3 .


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