


重金属污染对人类赖以生存的环境带来诸多负面的影响,因此如何解决重金属污染是当前亟须解决的重要问题之一。自石墨烯问世以来,由于其优异物理化学性质引起了科学界广泛的关注,较大的比表面积和较高机械强度等特性都使石墨烯及其复合材料成为理想的吸附材料,特别是用于重金属离子的吸附。但石墨烯复合材料对水体中重金属离子吸附性能的受到很多因素有影响如反应时间、温度、体系pH 值等,其中pH 值是最重要的影响因素之一。以影响吸附的因素为背景,以pH 值为切入点,较为详细地综述了 pH 值对石墨烯及其复合材料对重金属吸附的影响,并系统地分析和讨论了pH 值对吸附影响的原因和机理。最后,对石墨烯及其复合材料应用于吸附水体重金属离子的前景进行展望。

Thepollution of heavy ions are hazardous to environment.Therefore,it is essential to tackle heavy-metal contamination.Graphene has excellent physical and chemical characteristics,which arouse wide attention in scientific community,so that graphene-containing composite materials could be served as an ideal absorbent, especially for heavy metal ions,due to its large specific surface area and mechanical strength.For the effect of graphene-composite materials on heavy metal ions,itis subj ect to many factors,such as contact time,tempera-ture,pH value and so on,but the most relative important one is pH value.This paper not only gives an over-view of the effect of pH value on adsorption of graphene-containing composite materials,but also discusses rea-son and effect mechanism.And,in the last of this paper,the challenges and application prospectsof graphene-containing composite materials are mentioned and commented.


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