


通过逐步聚合反应将异氰酸酯功能化石墨烯(IGN)接枝到水性聚氨酯(WPU)链段中,制备得到水性异氰酸酯改性石墨烯/聚氨酯纳米复合乳液(IGN/WPU).通过傅里叶变换红外的光谱(红外光谱)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、扫描电镜(SEM)对氧化石墨烯(GO)、IGN、WPU 及 IGN/WPU 复合材料的结构进行表征,并研究了IGN含量对复合乳液作为金属防腐涂层性能的影响.结果表明,随IGN含量增加,涂层硬度提高,水蒸气透过率下降,防腐效率增大.当m(IGN)=1%(质量分数)时,涂层硬度达到了2H,水蒸气透过率降低到51.98 g/m2. h,与空白样相比防腐效率提高了94.70%.

Waterborne isocyanate functionalized graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite emulsion has been pre-pared through step by step polymerization reaction,which isocyanate functionalization of graphene is grafted to the water-borne polyurethane chain section.Fourier transform infared spectrometer (FT-IR),atomic force mi-croscope (AFM)and scanning electron microscope (SEM)were used to characterize the structures of GO,IGN, WPU and IGN/WPU;the effect of IGN content on the properties of composite emulsion as metal anti-corrosion coating was systematically studied.The results show that hardness,barrier property to vapor and anticorrosive efficiency of the composite coating increases as IGN content is increasing.When m(IGN)=1wt%,the coating hardness up to 2 h,water vapor transmittance decreased to 51.98 g/(m2 .h),anticorrosive efficiency increased by 94.70% compared with blank sample.


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