以CuSO4?5 H2 O 为原料,KOH 为添加剂,酒石酸为还原剂,在水热条件下通过调整相关的实验参数,制备了一系列不同形态的Cu2 O 微-纳米晶体及三维十字形枝晶。采用XRD、SEM等手段对不同形态的Cu2 O 晶体进行了表征,探讨了不同因素变化对Cu2 O 晶体形态的影响。分析认为,晶体生长过程控制了晶体的具体形貌和大小,Cu2 O 晶体显露的单形晶面随晶体生长条件的变化而不同。在低温、弱碱性、高浓度溶液中有利于形成八面体形态的Cu2 O 晶体,而菱形十二面体单形晶面在高温、强碱性、低浓度溶液中形成的晶体中显露的面积有所增大。
Micro- & nano-crystals of Cu2 O with different morphology and 3D cross dendrite were prepared by reducing Cu(Ⅱ)salt with tartaric acid as the reducing agent under different conditions by hydrothermal meth-od.The as-prepared Cu2 O crystals were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction(XRD)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The influence of environmental factors on Cu2 O crystal morphology was discussed.The re-sults indicate that the crystal morphology and size can be controlled by the crystal growth process,and the mor-phology of Cu2 O crystal change with the experimental conditions.Cu2 O crystal are conducive to the formation of octahedron in low temperature,weak alkaline and high concentration solution,and easy to form dodecahe-dron in high temperature,alkalinity and low concentration solution.
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