


基于粗宏观表征体元 RMV,建立了 CaSiO 3多孔介质“三箱”模型,即:黑箱模型、灰箱模型和白箱模型.推导了“三箱”传热物理模型下,导热系数计算的数学模型.数值计算了101.325 kPa、400 K 的过热水蒸气在 CaSiO 3粗宏观表征体元中传递时的导热系数.数值模拟了孔隙率为30%和70%的 CaSiO 3灰箱传热模型温度场分布.结果表明,导热系数随孔隙率增大而减小,导热系数随孔隙通道分布系数和迂曲度增大而增大.研究结果对 CaSiO 3多孔介质及其它功能材料多孔介质热质传递机理研究具有重要的理论价值和工程应用意义.

Based on representative macroscopic volume,this study established “three boxes”model of CaSiO 3 porous media,namely:black box model,gray box model and white box model.Deriving mathematical models to calculate thermal conductivity under the “three boxes”heat physical models.At the same time,the thermal conductivity which overheating H 2 O(g)in the state of 101.325 kPa and 400 K transfers CaSiO 3 representative macroscopic volume was calculated.What’s more,the temperature distribution of CaSiO 3 gray box heat trans-fer model was simulated when the porosity was 30% and 70%.The finding of this paper indicates that thermal conductivity decreases with increasing porosity,thermal conductivity increases with increasing pore channels distribution coefficient and tortuosity.The research results have important theory value and engineering applica-tion value for CaSiO 3 porous media and other inorganic materials porous media in heat and mass transferring.


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