


碳纳米管具有优异的力学、电学、光学和磁学等性能,是聚合物复合材料理想的增强体。弹性模量是材料重要的力学性能参数之一,本文介绍了近年来碳纳米管聚合物复合材料弹性模量的研究状况,综述了混合法则、Hashin-Shtrikman 模型、Cox 模型、Halpin-Tsai模型和数值模拟法预测碳纳米管聚合物复合材料弹性模量的方法,并提出了研究中面临的一些问题以及发展方向。

Carbon nanotubes have been considered as an ideal reinforcement for polymer composites owing to their outstanding mechanical,electrical,optical and magnetic properties.Elastic modulus is an important pa-rameter of mechanical properties of materials.The research progress of the study of the elastic modulus of car-bon nanotubes reinforced polymer composites was reviewed in this paper.Different method of predicting the elastic modulus of carbon nanotube/polymer composites,rule of Mixtures,Hashin-Shtrikman model,Cox model Halpin-Tsai model and numerical simulation were introduced.In addition,the problems and the develo-ping prospect in this field were discussed and previewed.


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