


在非均相条件下,利用漆酶催化氧化原儿茶酸使其接枝到壳聚糖进行改性,初步探究改性过程中,反应体系各组分相对浓度的变化、改性壳聚糖上原儿茶酸的接枝反应历程以及改性壳聚糖抗氧化性能的提升效果。通过React IR(反应红外)分析表明壳聚糖先将原儿茶酸吸附到固相之后才发生进一步反应,通过Py-GC/MS(裂解气相色谱质谱联用)分析表明接枝反应后原儿茶酸是通过化学键连接到了壳聚糖,利用Solid-state 13 C NMR(固体核磁共振)和 FT-IR(红外光谱)检测到接枝前后新的化学键生成,进一步表明原儿茶酸通过化学键接枝到了壳聚糖,通过 ABTS 法测定接枝反应前后壳聚糖的抗氧化性能,发现接枝后壳聚糖抗氧化性能的提高显著。

In heterogeneous condition for graft modification of chitosan with protocatechuic acid by laccase cata-lyzed oxidation,the relative concentration change in liquid was explored,as well as the reaction mechanism of grafting and enhancement of antioxidant properties of modified chitosan.React IR analysis showed the change of concentration of components in liquid phase,finding that protocatechuic acid was adsorbed onto chitosan before further reaction.Py-GC/MS analysis indicated that protocatechuic acid was connected to chitosan by chemical bonds.Further signs of chemical bonds onto chitosan were showed by solid-state 13 C NMR and FT-IR analysis. Compared with the untreated chitosan,the grafted chitosan exhibited greatly improved antioxidant property, which were detected by ABTS radicals scavenging method.


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