


石墨烯作为一种碳原子所组成的二维蜂窝状结构晶体,具有诸多优异的特性,从而倍受全世界科学工作者的关注。在碳化硅衬底上外延生长石墨烯是实现石墨烯在微电子领域中应用的最有效途径之一。利用感应加热的高温 CVD 设备,先在4H-SiC 衬底上外延生长一层2~10μm 厚的碳化硅,然后直接再在外延碳化硅上原位外延生长石墨烯。实现外延碳化硅-石墨烯的连续生长,从而减少氢气刻蚀带来的晶格缺陷和表面硅富集严重削减现象,并使低成本制备碳化硅上的石墨烯成为可能。通过拉曼光谱、扫描电子显微镜及 X 射线光电子能谱等表征,验证了该方法生长的石墨烯具有较好的晶体质量。

Two-dimensional honeycomb structure of graphene as a crystal composed of carbon atoms,has many excellent properties,which attracted much attention of scientists worldwide.Epitaxial growth of graphene on the silicon carbide substrate is one of the most effective ways to achieve graphene applications in the microelec-tronics field.a silicon carbide layer with thickness of 2-10 μm was epitaxial grown on the 4H-SiC substrate by a high temperature induction heating CVD.A graphene film was directly in situ epitaxial grown on it subsequent-ly.The lattice defects and silicon enrichment phenomenon by hydrogen etch were avoided.It is also possible to reduce production cost of graphene on SiC.A good crystal quality of epitaxial graphene was verified by charater-izing of Raman spectroscopy,electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


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