利用高速摄像机对超声电弧 TIG 焊接的电弧形态进行观察测量,并以MGH956合金为材料研究600 W超声电弧TIG焊接下,超声电弧对焊缝尺寸变化及对气孔量的影响。实验结果表明,在超声频率为20、50和60 kHz时的电弧出现了明显的收缩,而超声频率为30 kHz时,电弧出现了扩展,超声频率对电弧形态具有非线性的影响,这主要与电弧等离子体收缩和电弧的声磁共振现象有关;焊缝宽度和熔化面积的变化与电弧尺寸的变化规律保持一致;600 W超声电弧在一定程度上可以去除焊缝中的气孔,但因超声功率较小,除气效果有限。
The arc shape of the arc-ultrasonic TIG welding was observed by high speed camera,the sizes of the joint and the number of pores of ODS alloy MGH956 were studied.The results show that the arc shirking was observed under the ultrasonic frequencies of 20,50,60 kHz,while the arc expand under the ultrasonic frequen-cies of 30 kHz.The ultrasonic frequencies have a nonlinear effect on the arc shape,which was related to the arc plasma and acoustic resonance;the change of the weld width and the melting area was in line with the one of the size of the arc.To a certain extent,power for 600 W arc-ultrasonic can reduce the pores in the weld,but the effect was not very well due to the arc-ultrasonic frequency was too small.
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