


采用纳米球刻蚀法发展针对有序 Si 纳米柱阵列的低成本及可控制备方法,首先运用 Langmuir-Blodgett法在 n-Si(100)片上制备 SiO2粒子单层膜,并以此为掩膜系统考察深度反应离子刻蚀及低损伤的感应耦合等离子体刻蚀对于 Si 纳米柱表面形貌的影响规律,并且通过控制刻蚀参数有效调控 Si 纳米柱阵列的尺寸、分布及表面结构。反射谱测试结果表明,Si纳米柱阵列可以起到显著的减反射作用,且在400~1000 nm的光谱范围内的最优光反射率约为5%。

A fabrication method of controllable sizes and surface structures silicon nanopillar arrays was reported in this paper by the method of nanosphere lithography combining with dry etching.Silica monolayers were fab-ricated by using Langmuir-Blodgett assembly,which were used as masks.Silicon nanopillar arrays with the controllable sizes and surface structures were then fabricated by using deep reactive ion etching or inductively coupled plasma etching.The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical reflectance spectra.The results show that the reflectivity of light was about 5% within the wavelength from 400 to 1 000 nm.These Si nanopillar arrays were promising for future applications in photovoltaic.


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