


将坡缕石与竹纤维复合,利用浆内添加银型沸石抗菌剂的方法,研制具有耐高温和抗菌性的功能型纸板,此纸可用于高档多功能型壁纸的基纸.采用正交实验探讨纤维配比、助剂添加量及抗菌剂加入量对纸板性能的影响,并分别测试纸板的白度、耐破度、撕裂度、烧失量、抗菌性等性能.结果表明,当坡缕石与竹纤维配比为85∶15,CPAM添加量为2.0%,抗菌剂加入量为20%时所抄抗菌纸板的性能为最佳,其中耐高温抗菌纸板的定量值为154 g/m2、厚度为0.32 mm、紧度为0.482 g/cm3、白度为71.35、撕裂度为20 mN、耐破度为109 kPa、烧失量为0.45%,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径分别为24~26和23~24 mm.

Titanate nanowhiskers have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method using titanium dioxide rutile as titanium source.The determination of the structure and morphology was characterized by XRD,FT-IR, SEM and TEM.The results indicate that the titanate nanowhiskers successfully synthesized under hydrothermal conditions of 180 ℃.The adsorption of Th(Ⅳ)on titanate nanowhiskers was studied as a function of contact time,pH values,ionic strength,Th(Ⅳ)initial concentration and temperature under ambient conditions using batch technique.The results indicate that adsorption of Th(Ⅳ)on titanate nanowhiskers was strongly depend-ent on pH values,but weakly dependent on ionic strength;adsorption kinetics of Th(Ⅳ)on titanate nanowhis-kers was in accordance with pseudo second order kinetic model;the adsorption isotherm model consistent with Langmuir isotherm and Freundlich isotherm model.ΔG0 ,ΔH 0 andΔS0 free energy were calculated from exper-imental data,the results indicate that the adsorption of Th(Ⅳ)on titanate nanowhiskers was a spontaneous and endothermic process, and increases with increasing temperature.The adsorption of Th (Ⅳ) on titanate nanowhiskers was mainly dominated by surface complexation.


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