



Effects of 0.1%-2.0%(mass fraction) Ba addition on the microstructure and tensile properties of Mg_2Si/Mg-Zn-Si composites with high Si content were investigated.The results indicate that, the morphology of primary Mg_2Si in the composites changes from large dendrite to fine polygonal with the increasing Ba content, and its average size sharply decreases until addition of Ba 1.0% and then slowly increases.The average size of eutectic Mg_2Si also shows the same change trend.Numerous tiny BaMg_2Si_2 particles act as the heterogeneous nucleation substrate for primary Mg_2Si.It is also found that BaMgV2Si_2 size in Mg_2Si is obviously coarsened as addition of Ba surpasses 1.0%, which is responsible for over modification.Refined Mg_2Si particles dispersion-strengthen the composite and results in the improvement of ductility.The proper Ba content is a key factor to obtain effectively refined Mg_2Si and enhanced composite.


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