


采用含1μmTaC微粉4%(体积分数)的料浆向10mm厚的3D碳纤维预制体中引入TaC,得到微粉含量高、中、低的三种预制体, CVI沉积SiC致密化后制得3D C/SiC-TaC多元基复合材料.氧-乙炔烧蚀试验后采用XRD和SEM对烧蚀产物和显微结构进行分析.结果表明:料浆法结合CVI可制备出C/SiC-TaC复合材料,高含量的TaC微粉烧蚀后形成的TaC和Ta2O5的固液混合物,能对烧蚀面进行有效包覆,有助于提高烧蚀性能.

Using a kind of slurry which contains 1μm TaC fillers 4%( volume fraction) to introduce TaC fillers into 10mm thick 3D carbon fiber perform, three kind of TaC content(low, medium, high) preforms were obtained. 3D C/SiC-TaC composites were prepared after densification using CVI SiC. The resultant and microstructure were studied using XRD and SEM after oxygen-acetylene flame test. The results showed that this joint method could prepare C/SiC-TaC composites, the high content TaC fillers were oxided into TaC and Ta2O5 which were a solid and liquid mixture, this mixture could effectively cover the ablation surface and promote anti-ablation poperty.


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