



The constrained reverse martensitic transformation characteristicof N iTi shape memory alloy fiber embedded in Al matrix was studied by DSC, XRD and S EM. Results show that two kinds of reverse martensitic transformation appeared in the embedded NiTi fibers after prestrain, those are, the reverse transformat ion of thermal-induced martensite (MT→P) and that of stress-induced martens it e (Md→P). The characteristic temperatures of the reverse transformation of t hermal- induced martensite are very close to that of unprestrained specimens, and are not influenced by prestrain. The characteristic temperatures of the reverse tra n sformation of stress-induced martensite increases with the increasing degree of prestrain. The amount of transformed thermal-and stress-induced martensite d ecreases with the increasing degree of prestrain. The concept of the deformatio n d e gree was introduced in this paper, and the variation of the deformation degree o f stress-induced martensite during the reverse transformation process was discu ssed.


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