



Cailiao Baohu 2001, 34(1),12~14(Ch). The metalloid elements P, B had an obvious effects on the com-position, structure and corrosion of the electroless plated Permalloy. TheXRF, XRD and electrochemical experimental results showed that thedeposits with various compositions, amorphous or crystalline structurescould be obtained by controlling the pH value, NaH2PO2 and KBH4concentration, and salt ratio FeSO4/(FeSO4+NiSO4). The maximumiron content (38 atom percent) of the coating was obtained at 28 g/LNaH2P04, 0. 5 metallic salt ratio for Ni-Fe-P alloy and 0.4 g/L KBH4for Ni-Fe-P-B alloy deposits. The addition of trace KBH4 could improvethe corrosion resistance of Ni-Fe-P alloy coating in alkaline solution.


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