


采用无压浸渗法制备了B_4C-CeB_6/Al复合材料, 并对其进行了力学性能测试. B_4C-CeB_6/Al复合材料的密度、抗弯强度、断裂韧性相比单一B4C材料都有很大的提高, 而硬度有所降低. 其抗弯强度值为409.47 Mpa, 比单一碳化硼提高了39.32%; 断裂韧性值6.58 Mpa·m~(1/2), 比单一碳化硼提高了78.80%. B_4C-CeB_6/Al复合材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧性的提高主要有两方面的作用: 一是由于原位生成的CeB_6和B_4C颗粒之间热膨胀系数的不匹配产生残余应力, 从而引起裂纹偏转起到增韧的效果; 二是渗入金属铝的延展性在复合材料中得以体现, 使复合材料韧性增加.

B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites were fabricated by pressureless infiltration technology. The mechanical properties of B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites were tested. The density, the flexibility strength and the fracture toughness of B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites were greatly improved compared with those of monolithic boron carbide, but the hardness decreased. The value of flexibility strength of B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites was 409.47 MPa, which was improved nearly 39.32% compared with that of monolithic boron carbide; the value of fracture toughness was 6.58 MPa·m~(1/2), which was improved nearly 78.80% compared with that of monolithic boron carbide. The flexibility strength and the fracture toughness of B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites were greatly improved for two major reasons. Firstly the crack deflection caused by the residual stress resulted from the difference in thermal expansion coefficient between B_4C and CeB_6 was the main toughening mechanisms. Secondly the ductility of aluminum was manifested in B_4C-CeB_6/Al composites.


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