


通过理论分析,在窄色域液晶屏的背光中选择合适谱线的 RGB 三基色 LED 背光,可以将显示器的色域从40%提升至70%.试验结果与理论相符合,但是三基色直下式背光的混光比为1.3∶1,比全白灯背光的1∶1大.在三基色LED 背光中加入 LED 白灯,能够降低混光比.白光灯的亮度逐步增加时,色域会降低.当色域从70.2%下降到63.7%时,白灯发出的亮度占总亮度的30%,混光比也降低为1.1∶1.

Through theoretical analysis,RGB three primaries LED backlighting with appropriate line is chosen in a LCD backlight with narrow gamut,which can raise the color gamut from 40% to 70%. And the test fitted well with analysis,but the mixing ratio of three primaries direct-lit backlight is 1.3∶1,larger than 1 ∶ 1 of full white backlight.The white LEDs were doped into three primaries LED backlight,which can reduce the mixing ratio.As the brightness of the white light increases, color gamut will be reduced.When color gamut changes from 70.2% to 63.7%,the white luminance is 30% of the total luminance,and the mixing ratio is descended to 1.1∶1.


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