


合成了一种新的腐蚀抑制及广谱抑菌剂:N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(NIPAM)与N-烯丙基-1-苯甲酰基-3-苯基-4,5-2H-4-甲酰胺基吡唑(BPCP)的共聚物PNIPAM-Co-PBPCP.分别采用静态失重法和电化学阻抗谱研究了该共聚物在1 mol/L HCl溶液中对N80钢片化学腐蚀的抑制作用以及共聚物分子在N80钢片表面的吸附行为;采用液体稀释法测定了共聚物对各种菌类的最小抑菌浓度(MIC).结果表明,在质量浓度为0.5~7.0 g/L的范围内该共聚物对N80钢片的酸(1 mol/L HCl)腐蚀的抑制效果随缓蚀剂浓度增大而增强;最大缓蚀效率(90.3%)时的缓蚀剂质量浓度为6.0 g/L,仅为文献报道共聚物用量的1/2左右,为小分子缓蚀剂1-苯甲酰基-3-苯基-4,5-2H-4-羧基吡唑(NABPPAA)用量的1/10.在以上质量浓度范围内共聚物分子在N80钢片表面的吸附满足Langmuir等温吸附模式,其吸附热为30.4 kJ/mol.该共聚物具有较高的缓蚀效能热稳定性,在25~80 ℃的范围内缓蚀效率保持在80%以上且无明显变化.据此可以判断,共聚物分子在N80钢片表面上以化学吸附为主.结果还表明,共聚物分子具有广谱抑菌性,对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌活菌、铜绿假单胞菌、荧光假单胞菌以及沙门氏菌等多种菌类均具有良好的杀灭效果.

A new corrosion inhibitor and universal antibacterial reagent, namely, the copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide(NIPAM) and N-allyl-1-benzoyl-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-4-formamido pyrazole(BPCP) was prepared. Its inhibitory effect on the corrosion of N80 steel panel in 1 molar hydrochloric acid solution was investigated at room temperature via the static mass-loss method, and the adsorption of the copolymer molecules on the surface of N80 steel panel was studied through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). Minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of the copolymer for different kinds of bacterials was determined with the liquor dilution approach. Results obtained from the experiments indicate that the copolymer is an efficient chemical corrosion inhibitor for N80 steel panel in 1 mol/L HCl solution. The inhibition efficiency of the copolymer increases with the increase in inhibitor concentration within a mass content range from 0.5 g/L to 7.0 g/L, reaching the maximum value of 90.3% at a inhibitor concentration of 6 g/L, only half of the amount of the reported inhibitor in the literature, 1/10 of the amount of small molecule inhibitor NABPPAA. Adsorption of copolymer on N80 steel panel's surface follows Langmuir's isotherm within experimental mass concentration range. Calculated adsorption enthalpy of the copolymer on N80 steel panel surface is 30.446 kJ/mol. Its adsorption model can be mainly ascribed to the chemical nature of adsorption(chemisorptions) according to the adsorption enthalpy. Large and persistant inhibitory effect of the copolymer on N80 steel erosion in acid solution is observed within a temperature range of 25~80 ℃. The results reveal that the copolymer has a broad inhibitory and a good germicidal effect on several kinds of bacteria.


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