氧化物/氧化物陶瓷基复合材料(CMCs )具有很多优良的性能,如高比强度、高比模量、优异的抗氧化性能等,可应用于航空发动机燃烧室和尾喷管等热端部件。本文概述了氧化物/氧化物CMCs的增强纤维和陶瓷基体,指出单晶氧化物纤维和莫来石陶瓷基体应用潜力较大;从改善纤维/基体界面结合程度的角度出发,综述了从界面相和多孔基体角度提高力学性能的方案;分析了限制其应用的三个关键问题(缺口敏感度、蠕变容忍度和耐烧蚀性能),最后对其未来发展进行了展望。
Oxide/Oxide ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) possess great potential in combustion environments of gas turbines, such as combustion chamber, scramjet nozzle and so on for their favorable performances (high strength and modulus, excellent oxidation resistive properties, etc.). In this paper, reinforced fibers and ceramic ma-trices for Oxide/Oxide CMCs are summarized, and it is pointed out that both single crystal oxide fibers and mullite ceramic matrix have great application potential. The improvement approaches of their mechanical properties, inter-phases and porous matrix, are reviewed based on the adjustment of the fiber/matrix bonding. The key problems, notch sensitivity, creep tolerance and ablation resistence, which limit their applications, are analyzed, and their fu-ture development is prospected.
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