


采用传统的固相合成法制备了Eu3+掺杂的Bi4Si3O12发光材料. 使用X射线粉末衍射技术对制备的发光粉体进行了表征. Eu3+掺杂的Bi4Si3O12材料的激发谱表明, 在265 nm处强而宽的谱带对应于Eu3+ → O2-之间的电荷转移跃迁带. 在用紫外光激发的荧光光谱中, Eu3+掺杂的Bi4Si3O12材料在614 nm处有强的红光发射. 材料的激发和发射光谱结果表明, Eu3+掺杂的Bi4Si3O12有望做为红色固体发光的候选材料.

Eu3+-doped Bi4Si3O12 phosphors were synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the formation of Bi4Si3O12: Eu3+. The excitation spectra of Eu3+-doped Bi4Si3O12 show an intense broad band with maximum at 265 nm related to Eu3+→O2- charge transfer transition. Photoluminescence spectra indicate that the phosphor emits strong red light centered at 614 nm under UV light excitation. Due to high emission intensity and a good excitation profile, the Eu3+-doped Bi4Si3O12 phosphor may be a promising candidate in solid state lighting applications.


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