


采用CTMAB/正丁醇/正庚烷/水四元反相胶束介质体系中直接沉淀法制备纳米CdS.采用不同ω([H2O]/[表面活性剂])条件制备的CdS光催化活性有所不同,当ω值为25时,所制备的纳米CdS光催化活性最高.利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)对CdS的晶型、尺寸进行表征,结果显示,反相胶柬法制备的CdS为立方闪锌矿型,ω值为25条件下制备的CdS平均粒径为9nm,且分散均匀.采用循环伏安法(CV)和电化学交流阻抗法(EIS)研究了纳米CdS的电化学行为,表明反相胶束法水量条件直接影响所制备的CdS粒径大小及电化学性质.在可见光照射下(λ≥420nm),光催化降解孔雀绿(Malachite Green,MG)为探针反应,探讨了不同反相胶束体系的制备条件对CdS光催化活性的影响,通过紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)和总有机碳仪(TOC)对光催化降解MG跟踪测定,表明可见光照射下以水量25制备的CdS中性条件卜在70min内可以使MG褪色完全,反应30h后MG的矿化率达50%以上.同时跟踪测定了降解过程中H2O2和羟基自由基(·OH)的变化,表明CdS光催化机理涉及到·OH历程.

Cadmium sulfide(CdS)nanoparticles with efficient photocatalytic activity were synthesized using wa-ter/CTMAB/n-butyl alcohol/n-heptanes reverse micelle system.The particles exhibited various photocatalyfic activi-ties with the different ω values(ω=[Water]/[CTMAB]=25,35,50),and the optimal ω value was 25.Based on the X-ray diffraction(XRD)and transmission electron microscope(TEM)analysis,CdS nanoparticles were ascribed to the cubic sphalerite and the average size of CdS particle(ω=25)was about merely 9nm.Moreover,the ω values could di-rectly affect the particle size and electrical property of CdS nanoparticles by means of cyclic voltammetry(CV)and electrochernical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).Under visible light(λ≥420nm)irradiation,Malachite Green(MG)was used as a probe to investigate the effect of preparation conditions on photocatalytic activity of CdS nanoparticles.It can be concluded that MG could fade out within 70min and attain the 50% mineralization after 30h under visible light irradiation,and the degradation process mainly referred to the hydroxyl radical(-OH)and H2O2.


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