


利用自行研制的玻璃纤维(GF)增强聚丙烯(PP)预浸装置,制备了长玻纤增强聚丙烯(LGFRP)粒料,并通过普通注塑机注塑成型.研究了界面改性、粒料长度、浸渍程度及退火处理等对注塑试样拉伸强度的影响.试验发现,用接枝马来酸酐PP作为界面相容剂,试样的拉伸强度明显提高.当接枝马来酸酐量占PP量的0.3 %左右时,试样强度达到最大值.长纤维粒料内纤维浸渍度越高,注塑试样的强度越好.15 mm和5 mm长纤维粒料注塑成型试样的拉伸强度均高于10 mm粒料注塑成型的试样.退火处理可较大程度地提高注塑试样的拉伸强度.

Using an impregnation/pultrusion device developed at our laboratory, long glass fiber reinforced polypropylene (LGFRP) pellets were produced. Composites parts were injection molded with the pellets by a conventional injection machine. Factors affecting the tensile strength of the parts were studied. Polypropylene grafted with maleic anhydride (PP-MAH) as surface-modifier was very efficient to improve the tensile strength. The tensile strength reached a maximum value for a grafted PP-MAH content of 0.3 % of PP. The better the glass fiber in pellets was impregnated, the higher the strength would be. The tensile strength of the parts molded with 10 mm long pellets was lower than those with 5 mm or 15 mm long pellets. Annealing was an efficient way to improve the tensile strength.


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