


以ZrSi O4和α-Al2 O3为原料,采用反应烧结方法制备了氧化锆-莫来石复相陶瓷材料.研究了反应烧结过程中致密化和莫来石的形成机制,重点讨论了莫来石晶种的引入对莫来石形成机制的影响.结果表明,在莫来石形成之前,非晶态的粘滞性流动是主要的致密化机制.晶种的添加使莫来石的形成方式发生了变化,对反应烧结有一定促进作用.添加3wt%晶种的试样在1600℃保温8h相对密度可达97%左右.

Mullite-zirconia composites were prepared by reaction-sintering of zircon and α-Al2 O3mixed powders. Densification process as well as formation mechanism of mullite was studied and discussed, and special attention was paid to the effect of mullite seeding on the reactionsintering mechanisms. It is shown that the viscous flow of the non-crystalline may be a dominant densification mechanism prior to the formation of mullite. Mullite seeding has an obvious influence on the forming way of mullite, and a higher relative density of 97% can be obtained when a small amount of mullite seeds (3wt%) are added.


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