目的:随着我国铁路运输朝着高速、重载、低能耗的方向高速发展,高速列车轮轨承受的载荷显著增加,研究车轮材料特性(弹性模量、泊松比)对CRH3型动车组轮轨接触应力的影响,对保证列车安全性、可靠性及舒适性有重要的现实意义和应用价值。方法采用S1002型磨耗踏面轮对和60 kg/m的标准钢轨,首先对轮轨接触的模型做基本的假设,其次对模型参数、单元选择、网格划分等计算过程进行说明,最后应用弹塑性理论及有限元软件ANSYS分析轮轨接触应力。结果车轮材料弹性模量E分别为124,165,206,247,288 GPa 的情况下,轮轨接触对应的最大 Mises 应力依次为315.451,370.458,435.498,500.274,554.604 MPa,最大接触压力依次为669.264,802.328,920.832,1033.87,1135.19 MPa;在车轮材料泊松比分别为0.18,0.24,0.30,0.36,0.42的情况下,轮轨接触对应的最大Mises应力依次为468.035,450.601,435.498,422.587,415.412 MPa,最大接触压力依次为903.068,911.168,920.832,936.339,961.234 MPa。结论车轮材料的弹性模量对轮轨接触应力有显著的影响,最大Mises应力和最大接触应力的变化与弹性模量的变化呈正比关系;泊松比对轮轨接触应力也有一定的影响。
ABSTRACT:Objective With the rapid development of Chinese railway transportation towards high-speed, heavy-duty, low energy consumption direction, the load wheel-rail of high-speed train resisted is increasing significantly. The aim of this work was to study the impact of wheel material properties ( elastic modulus, Poisson ratio) on wheel-rail contact stress for CRH3 high-speed EMU, which has an important practical significance and application value for ensuring the safety, reliability and comfort of train. Meth-ods S1002 tread wheelset and 60 kg/m rail were employed. Firstly, the basic assumption was made for the wheel-rail contact mod-el. Secondly, calculation processes of model parameters, cell selection and grid classification were described. Thirdly, the elastic-plastic theory and finite element software ANSYS were adopted to analyze the wheel-rail contact stress. Results When the elastic moduli of wheel material were 124, 165, 206, 247, 288 GPa, respectively, the corresponding maximum Mises stress values were as follows:315. 451, 370. 458, 435. 498, 500. 274, 554. 604 MPa, and the maximum contact stress values were as follows:669. 264, 802. 328, 920. 832, 1033. 87, 1135. 19 MPa;while poisson′s ratios of wheel material were 0. 18, 0. 24, 0. 30, 0. 36, 0. 42, respectively, the corresponding maximum Mises stress values were as follows: 468. 035, 450. 601, 435. 498, 422. 587, 415. 412 MPa, and the maximum contact stress values were as follows:903. 068, 911. 168, 920. 832, 936. 339, 961. 234 MPa. Conclusion The elastic modulus of wheel material had a pronounced impact on the wheel-rail contact stress, and it had a positive correlation with the maximal Mises stress and contact stress. Poisson ration of material had a certain but not obvious influence on the wheel-rail contact stress.
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