以2-乙基己酸亚锡为原料,通过静电纺丝以及随后在惰性气氛中煅烧成功制备出电化学性能优良的SnO2-C复合纤维。X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、热重分析(TGA)、扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)的分析结果表明: SnO2-C复合纤维具有无定形结构,直径为100~300 nm,含碳量约38%。电化学测试结果表明:在50 mA/g的电流密度下,无定形SnO2-C复合纤维的首次放电比容量、充电比容量和库仑效率分别为1370.1 mAh/g、757.5 mAh/g和55.28%;在50 mA/g的电流密度下循环80次后, SnO2-C复合纤维的比容量为611.6 mAh/g,没有出现明显的容量衰减。SnO2-C复合纤维高的比容量和良好的循环性能归因于其SnO2均匀分布的SnO2-C复合一维结构。
SnO2-C composite fibers with excellent electrochemical performance were successfully synthesized by using tin(II)2-ethylhexanoate as starting material through electrospinning technique and subsequent calcination in inert atmosphere. The experimental results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) show that SnO2-C composite fibers with diameters of 100–300 nm have amorphous struc-ture and carbon content of ~38%. The electrochemical test results show that SnO2-C composite fibers exhibit initial discharge specific capacity, charge specific capacity and coulombic efficiency of 1370.1 mAh/g, 757.5 mAh/g and 55.28%, respectively, at current density of 50 mA/g. After 80 cycles at current density of 50 mA/g, the specific ca-pacity of SnO2-C composite fibers remains at 611.6 mAh/g without apparent capacity reduction. Their high specific capacity and excellent cyclic performance are attributed to their one dimensional (1D) structure with homogeneous distribution of SnO2.
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