基于离散单元法,建立引入Areal Gas DistributiOn( AGD)技术COREX竖炉物料运动行为的DEM模型。模型计算结果与文献物理实验结果一致,证明模型的合理性。模拟结果显示,AGD竖炉内存在三种类型的流动区域:活塞流区、准停滞区及沟流区。物料运动流型呈现Flat→波浪→W的演变过程。 AGD梁下方形成的三角形空隙是还原煤气导入竖炉中心的主要煤气通道。竖炉围管区域AGD梁的安装会影响该区域物料的均匀下降,局部区域的较大法向力可能导致物料的挤压黏结,诱发围管slOt堵塞。
Based on the principle of discrete element method ( DEM ), a mathematical model is developed to numerical investigate the solid flow behaviour in COREX shaft furnace( SF)with a new technique called Areal Gas Distribution( AGD)introduced. The applicability of the DEM model is validated from its good agreement with the previous experiment in terms of solid flow patterns. The results confirm that the solid flow in COREX SF with AGD beams can be divided into three different flow regions:plug flow zone,quasi -stagnant zone and converging flow region. The basic solid flow profile turns out to be clear Flat→Wave→W type. A triangle shaped free area is observed under the AGD beam,which is the main channel for gas flow into the shaft centre. The effect of AGD beams on solid flow is evaluated and the investigation reveals that the AGD beams affect the uniform descending behaviour of particle in bustle zone. The large normal contact force upstream the beam could possible increase the period of static contacts and the related sticking effect. As a result,the choking of gas slots may be induced.
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